After being an entrepreneur for over 35 years and growing an incredible team of like-minded people, I’ve learned a few things along the way about what it takes to run a successful business.
Having a strong mindset is at the top of my list.
My mindset is something I’ve been developing my entire life and career, and I still find that it’s something I work on every day. And today I will share with you a few tools and perspectives that have helped along the way.
In this blog post, I’ll cover what a business vision looks like and how to create one, a perspective shift for a more resilient mindset, why tracking your habits is such a powerful tool within entrepreneurship, and more.
This is something common we hear when starting a business – that we should have a ‘vision’ of what our business will look like. And what does having a vision actually mean?
I’ve coached dozens of...
Visualization is a powerful tool that I’ve used over the course of my career to reach some of my biggest goals.
In case you’re new to the Connect To The Core Blog, I often speak about mindfulness and how I use tools like meditation, yoga and journaling to bring me into the present moment. Visualization is another important piece to that puzzle that I have yet to dedicate a full post to – until now.
In this blog I’m covering what visualization is and why I believe it’s critical for success, some easy ways to implement visualization into your life, and why visualization is only the first (yet extremely important) step to conquering your goals.
In the context of goal-setting, visualization is a practice that can be used to help visually motivate or stimulate someone to take action. It can also be used to relieve anxiety, rehearse a presentation, enhance confidence and gratitude, and so much...
Sunday is my favorite day of the week. And it hasn’t always been that way. The ‘Sunday scaries’ used to get the best of me more times than I can count.
It wasn’t until I began taking Sundays as an intentional day to rest, reflect and learn that I started to thoroughly enjoy them.
I began viewing them as a day to plan and enjoy as opposed to a day to stress about all the things I hadn’t done the previous week. I hope this post inspires you to reclaim Sundays as your day rather than a day that you dread.
Without further ado, here’s a list of my non-negotiables every Sunday to prepare for a great start to the week.
Up first on the list, do at least one activity that fills your cup (1). Take the first part of your Sunday to enjoy in whatever way makes you the happiest. This could be going on an adventure, a walk, doing yoga, watching your favorite show or movie, getting lost in a good book, grabbing coffee with a friend, you...
Spirituality is a beautiful thing.
It’s also a word that gets thrown around a lot, and I’m a big believer that it can have a different meaning for everyone.
What it means to me is feeling connected to my innermost self, to the world around me, and to a higher purpose.
By that definition, I’ve become more and more spiritual over the years and I can’t tell you how much joy and growth it’s brought into my life. That growth hasn’t always been easy – to be quite frank – it’s been an equally painful and beautiful journey.
Overall though, I’ve found that spirituality has had a multitude of benefits on my health, my relationships, my self-esteem, my business, the list goes on.
While the topic of spirituality may not be for everyone, the following 10 ways to connect to your spiritual side are amazing things to do. Whether you consider yourself a spiritual person or not, these tips can clear your head, get you focused, and...
Creativity is like a muscle: if you don’t use it—you’ll lose it.
Okay, lose is a strong word. However, if you aren’t carving out time in your days to be creative or do the things that fill you up, creativity will be hard to access when you really require it.
You wouldn’t go and lift 300 pounds without extensive training just like you couldn’t expect to write a novel without writing anything down prior.
Being creative takes effort, and it doesn’t always magically appear when we want it. And hey, sometimes it requires reading a blog post on ways to boost creativity and executing those strategies. Hint: if you’ve been feeling less than creative lately, you’re in the right place.
Whether it’s for your work or for fun, here are ten easy things you can do to boost your creativity right now.
One of the most important aspects of being more creative is making time to actually be creative. I...
Have you ever heard of the term “drive-by communication”?
In a nutshell, drive-by communication is communication that’s squeezed in between areas of our lives without focused attention. This type of communication is quick, lacks direction, and is ineffective.
No matter what industry you work in, drive-by communication can be detrimental to your success as a communicator, a leader, or an effective team member. If practiced frequently, drive-by communication can lead to a sharp decline in results in your conversations, presentations, sales pitches, the list goes on.
It’s important to recognize when this type of communication occurs so that you can nip it in the bud. And the good news is that there’s a simple mindset shift you can implement immediately to quit the drive-by communicating and start seeing immediate results.
First, let’s begin with the issues in drive-by communication and how to recognize if you might be behind the wheel...
No matter what industry you work in, your career plays a huge role in your life. We all spend a great deal of time at our jobs, and unfortunately, they often contribute to some of the stress we experience throughout the day. Whether it’s relentless emails, Zoom calls or meetings – every day we’re bombarded with information and data exchange, and it can be a challenge to remain focused and present.
According to Domo’s Data Never Sleeps 5.0 Report, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day (1). In other words, whether it’s our work, social media, tv, or anything else – we’re exposed to an overwhelming amount of data.
So what are we to do? Well, mindfulness is a great place to start.
In this post, you’ll learn some of the basics of mindfulness and a few steps you can take right now to be a more present, happy version of yourself while you’re on the clock.
The word mindfulness gets tossed...
A few weeks ago, we published a blog called 4 Simple and Effective Ways to Stay on Track with Your New Years Goals. In that blog, we spoke a lot about how to accomplish goals once you have them, and also about how to course-correct if you feel like you’ve been de-railed.
This week, we will introduce a fresh way of looking at goals and provide more insight into the “before” part of goal setting. Specifically, how to make the distinction between goals and tasks. They might appear the same on the surface, yet they’re very different and our recommendation is that you approach them in different ways.
The key attribute that distinguishes a true goal from a task is the emotional connection we have with the result. With goals, we have a deeper emotional connection that inspires us toward achievement.
As an example, and for the purpose of this blog, I’ll use a “goal” that just about everyone has had at one point or another...
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